Military Deployments
This page contains all information related to our research on the positive and negative externalities of US troop deployments abroad. All material on this page is based upon work supported by, or in part by, the Minerva Research Initiative, U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-18-1-0087. Opinions and interpretations are those of the authors and not the Army or Department of Defense
Research Team
Data and Documentation
The following series of documents and data stem from our research on the grant and contains what we have researched thus far.
- Survey Data Wave 1-3 Combined (.csv, codebook, variable list)
- Old Wave 2 Data (.csv, .dta, codebook, variable list)
- Old Wave 1 Data (.csv, .dta, codebook, variable list)
- Qualitative Report: Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3
- Map of countries surveyed by each firm
- Protest Data (.csv, codebook)
- Crime Data (.csv, codebook)
- U.S. Military Expenditures to Countries Data (.csv, codebook)
- U.S. Military Construction Geocoded Data (.csv, codebook)
Project Publications
- Allen, Michael A., Michael Flynn, Carla Martinez Machain. 2022. Beyond the Wire: US Military Deployments and Host Country Public Opinion.
- Allen, Michael A., Michael Flynn, Carla Martinez Machain, and Andrew Stravers. 2020. “Outside the wire: U.S. troop deployments and public opinion in host states.” American Political Science Review. 114(2): 326-341. DOI:
- Martinez Machain, Carla, Michael E. Flynn, and Michael Allen. “Biden will stop the U.S. troop drawdown in Germany, but also push for smaller deployments around the world.” The Monkey Cage. Published 2/11/2021.
- Martinez Machain, Carla, Michael E. Flynn, and Michael Allen. “Relations between the U.S. and Allies are Souring. What Next for NATO?” The Political Quarterly. Published 1/2/2020.
- Flynn, Michael E., Carla Martinez Machain, and Michael Allen. “Why does the US pay so much for the defense of its allies? 5 questions answered.” The Conversation. Published 12/1/2019.
- Flynn, Michael E., Michael Allen, and Carla Martinez Machain. “Trump wants South Korea and Japan to pay more for defense: What does it cost to maintain the U.S. military presence in allied countries?” The Monkey Cage. Published 12/1/2019.
- Allen, Michael A., Michael Flynn, Carla Martinez Machain, and Andrew Stravers. “Understanding how populations perceive U.S. Troop Deployments.” Owl in the Olive Tree. Published 3/27/2019.
- Martinez Machain, Carla, Michael Allen, Michael E. Flynn, and Andrew Stravers. “The implications of 5000 troops to Colombia.” The Duck of Minerva. Published 2/5/2019.
Researcher Publications
Here is an active list of publications by the research team as it relates to both decision-making about troops deployments as well as the results of deployments. The list is in chronological order with recent publications listed first.
- Stravers, A., 2018. Pork, parties, and priorities: Partisan politics and overseas military deployments. Conflict Management and Peace Science.
- Flynn, M.E., Martinez Machain, C., Stoyan, A., 2018. “Building Trust: The Effect of U.S. Development-Oriented Troop Deployments on Public Opinion in Peru.” International Studies Quarterly.
- Bell, S.R., Flynn, M.E. and Martinez Machain, C., 2018. UN Peacekeeping Forces and the Demand for Sex Trafficking. International Studies Quarterly, 62(3), pp.643-655.
- Bell, S.R., Clay, K.C. and Martinez Machain, C., 2017. The effect of US troop deployments on human rights. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61(10), pp.2020-2042.
- Allen, M.A., Flynn, M.E. and VanDusky-Allen, J., 2017. Regions of hierarchy and security: US troop deployments, spatial relations, and defense burdens. International interactions, 43(3), pp.397-423.
- Allen, M.A., VanDusky-Allen, J. and Flynn, M.E., 2016. The localized and spatial effects of US troop deployments on host-state defense spending. Foreign Policy Analysis, 12(4), pp.674-694.
- Allen, M.A.
and Flynn, M.E., 2013. Putting our best boots forward: US military deployments and host-country crime. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 30(3), pp.263-285. - Martinz Machain, C. and Morgan, T.C., 2013. The effect of US troop deployment on host states’ foreign policy. Armed Forces & Society, 39(1), pp.102-123.